The Power of Savasana

The Power of Savasana

We are a very busy bunch.  We are so busy that we’ve almost forgotten how to relax; we’ve forgotten the importance of chilling out.  We are so busy, in fact, that many of us CANNOT allow ourselves to fully relax anymore, to just be still.  We carry constant tension in our bodies: moving from one place to the next, encountering stressful situations along the way. Even if we are not on the go, we stare at our phones, making ourselves ready for whatever text will come in next or whatever article pops up on social media, be it negative or positive.

For many of us, our brains have been wired to equate busyness with success, and ultimately a sense of self-worth.  Habits have been so deeply established that even when we try to find some peace and quiet, it is nearly impossible to still the mind, and we then convince ourselves it is a lost cause and give up.  How do I know this? A) Because I hear it from others all the time.  B) Because I have said it plenty myself.  The process of quieting the mind is essential, as it leads to relaxing the body. In a society that values productivity and haste, a relaxed body is hard to come by. Recall moments that you’re thinking of something stressful, your body’s response is to grip either in the shoulders, the jaw, the hands, or between your eyebrows.  Learning how to do nothing and think nothing helps you become more productive when you actually need to be.

The beauty of it is we CAN learn to tame the chatter in our brains, which is one of the main focuses of savasana. Even if it is for just one breath, focusing on the breath in and the breath out is so incredibly beneficial.  After you succeed in being silent in your mind for one breath, you can eventually learn how to be silent for five, and move on from there. It is a practice, just like the practice of asana itself.

The benefits received in savasana from finding peace in the mind and body are astounding; basically this pose helps to diminish any of the side effects of stress from everyday life.  During your yoga practice your body has just been stretched, strengthened, opened, and ready to let go.  After your yoga practice, to feel your whole body supported on the floor is simply magical.  The nervous energy we carry in our bodies feels as if it has been burned away in the hot room. It is time now to integrate the knowledge your body has just acquired from your practice, it is time now to allow your body to reap the benefits of your hard work; it is time to be still.

To get into this pose, which is arguably the most important of all yoga postures, is quite simple: lie on your mat and get as comfortable as you possibly can so you can fully unwind.  Scan the body for tension, and then allow the surrender to happen.  Have faith that your breath will guide you from moment to moment, enjoy the space between the thoughts, and know that eventually the space will become longer as you practice.

Love,  Anna